Week 2 Reflection #seaccr

1. What new resources, curated resources, or ideas did you share this week?
2. What did you intend these new resources, curated resources, or ideas to do in terms of impacting others’ learning?
3. What was the actual impact (that you could discern)?
4. What would you do differently next week?
5. What resources did others share that made a difference to your learning?

I feel that I impacted the learning of others by sharing some resources and strategies that I use in my classroom (i.e. Kagan and information text strategies based on the new ELA standards).  I also shared the resource of the main focus of my research idea with some fellow teachers (Gomez & Gomez Dual Language Model).  When reading some of the blogs, I felt that these resources could benefit the teachers’ classroom instruction.  I know that they have benefited mine!

I felt that I was able to participate better during the Twitter session this week because I was not as overwhelmed.  I also realized that I was sending my messages incorrectly.  It’s funny how one letter impacts so much.  I do not know how many times I retyped something the first week just to get more frustrated that it was not going through.  I seriously thought it was because too many people were talking at the same time and I kept screaming for everyone to stop! – but nobody listened 😦  Anyways, Lee helped me out – thanks!!  I felt that I was better able to participate and contribute to the Twitter session and I received a lot of help from my peers.  I think I would like to try to make it to both sessions at least once so that I can get input from different participants.

I received a few great ideas from the responses to my blogs and many encouraging thoughts.  It relieves me to see that so many people have supported my research idea and are just as excited as I am to see how things work out over the next couple of weeks.  I read some of the same resources that my fellow teachers read – as I try to follow some of the blogs of fellow math teachers when possible.  There was one resource on the Alaska Standards for Literacy in Histories, Sciences and Technical Subjects.  This sort of followed a recent professional development session I attended and it was helpful to have a place to bookmark for future reference in case I have a lapse in memory.  I also bookmarked the great Diigo that Colin started.  I was glad to see that someone is keeping track of the many new resources that people are presenting during the Twitter sessions.  Those things go so fast its hard to keep up sometimes.

Overall, I am happy with the way this week progressed.  I feel more confident in my own thought processes of this research project and in the encouragement of others.  I know that I have also tried to give that same encouragement to my peers.  There are some really great research projects that are going to be implemented over the next couple of weeks and I am excited to see how things turn out.  Some of these projects can really benefit me and my students, and it has taught me that what I do in my classroom can also have an impact on the teachings of others.

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